Your Health And Mold
Mold is just about everywhere. They are cells, spores, and fragments that enter the air. Mold can produce “allergens, irritants, and mycotoxins”. These are toxic chemicals that can produce harmful mold health effects to an individual if they are sensitive to it. If an one is sensitive to mold, it can irritate their lungs, throat, nose, and worsen a breathing problem such as asthma.
Allergic Reactions.
In addition to sensitivity to mold, there may also be allergy symptoms. These symptoms include:
Persistent sneezing
Runny nose
Watery eyes
Itchy eyes and throat
These symptoms that occur out of the norm may indicate a potential mold problem in your home. Symptoms can worsen if not taken care of in time.
Call Air Methods Environmental Now
If you notice symptoms that may indicate a potential mold growth in your home, call a medical professional right away to get help. Additionally, contact Air Methods Environmental to get your mold removed now. Contact us today at (541) 668 - 1848 or fill out the form here. Lastly, check out our post on how mold effects on humans can be worse than you think.