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Air Methods

Can You Prevent Asbestos From Entering Your Home?

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Residential asbestos removal isn't something you hear about very often however, exposure to asbestos can end up life threatening. Asbestos itself is very common and can be in many construction materials such as siding on houses, floors, shingles, insulation, and more. The material itself according to WebMD is "resistant to heat, chemicals, and electricity. That’s why they were widely used for years to make construction materials, automotive parts, and even textiles".

So, can exposure to asbestos be prevented? At low levels of asbestos, it is uncommon to get sick. Additionally, the US has kept asbestos controlled since the 1970's. Asbestos exposure chances are low, however when buildings are remodeled or demolished, this increases asbestos to fill the air.

Enlist residential asbestos removal services by a professional with Air Methods. Give us a call at 541-668-1848 or contact us via email at Or check out how asbestos prevention can lead to an extremely efficaciously salubrious home.

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